Metro 97.7 FM - FM 97.7 - Lagos

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NEWS DIRECTORATE The Directorate of News is responsible for the gathering, processing and production of tiol and intertiol news bulletins as well as Current Affairs ... See more Programmes. It carries out this mandate with a team of about one hundred Radio Nigeria Correspondents across the country. We have three major news bulletins every day at 07.00hrs, 4pm (16.00 hrs GMT) and late night bulletin at 10pm (22.00 hrs GMT). As a matter of policy our bulletins have a bias for development oriented stories in Nigeria and other African countries. Each bulletin has a segment for News commentary. The News Directorate has three major Units: Editorial, Political and Current Affairs. Each Unit makes contributions to the day’s news broadcasts Our programmes profile includes: 1. 3 Daily News Bulletins 2. Eagle Square (a public accountability programme on Mondays 7.30 – 8pm) 3. Know Your Rights (a human rights enlightenment programme every Friday 7 -7.30pm) 4. Platform ( a programme that discusses current and domestic political issues, Thursday 7 – 7.30pm ) 5. Radio Link (a 2 – Hour phone-in and interactive programme that x-rays any burning tiol issue, Saturdays 8 to 10am). 6. Africa This Week (a Current Affairs Programme that treats important issues on the African Continent, Thursday 5.30 -6pm).

Lagos · Lagos, Nigeria · English

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