Outlet Radio - , California

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I’m an entrepreneur, consultant, videographer, author, reporter, photographer, gardener, and a husband. * Contact me: cmgrantham at gmail * Explore my work at LinkedIn * ... See more nkedIn * Follow “Grantham” on Twitter * Friend me on FaceBook * Life in photos on Flickr. Random stuff about me: * I’m working with friends to build a distillery. * I wrote a book. * I’ve produced the evening news and appeared on local TV news sharing what viewers have to say in social media and showing viewers how to use online tools and sites that help solve problems. * My YouTube channel generated over 1,000,000 video views in 2009 and 960,000 in 2010 for the least expected clips. * I worked in the second term of President Bill Clinton’s Administration as a consultant to the White House on domestic policy forums. * In my early 20s, I took a year off school and hitchhiked over 1,500 miles through Canada and Alaska. * I’ve run small businesses. * in 1694, Edward Grantham Sr. (an ancestor) appeared before a Grand Jury for “Entertaining Indians contrary to Law & for not comeing to church.” His son would marry Catherine Proctor, great-granddaughter of Allis Proctor - famous for not obeying orders by the Jamestown Council to abandon her frontier home and to stop fighting Indians. * I recycle everything. * Distant ancestor Sir Thomas Grantham squashed the Bacon’s Rebellion and later wrote that its leader, Nathaniel Bacon, died of the lousy evil. * I’m an INTJ on the Myers-Briggs in every sense of the type. * I’ve kept a detailed dream journal for more than 7 years. * I make booze, but I probably don’t drink as much as you do. * I met my husband Vince on Valentine’s Day 2000. We were officially married in Washington D.C. in 2010. * We have three cats and two dogs. * I don’t go to movie theaters much at all. * I compost organic food wastes using soldier fly larvae (video) and earth worms. * I’m a dreamer. * I love sushi, and I’m craving a good squid salad as I type this (I think it’s the ginger) * Give me solar panels and a cast iron wood burning stove.

, California · United States · English

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