WMMG - The Blaze - Memphis, TN

Playing A Mixture Of Hitz - Old & New...

Mae­stro Musik Group Ra­dio, "WMMG - The Blaze" is an IBRS (In­ter­net Based Ra­dio Sta­tion) that spe­cial­izes in a Va­ri­ety of Gen­res, Themed Seg­ments (i.e.: ... See more Mil­lion Mem­o­ries Mon­day, Mid­nite Love Ses­sion, That Latin Feel­ing, Sen­su­al Sat­ur­day, Real Talk, Sports Talk, and many, many more...). Found­ed by Lamar Mar­shall also known as (DaMae­stro); he pi­o­neered Mae­stro Musik Group in 1998 which re­sult­ed in the launch­ing of the ra­dio sta­tion in 2017. "WMMG - The Blaze" slo­gan is: "Play­ing A Mix­ture of Hitz - Old and New", with em­pha­sis on pro­vid­ing and of­fer­ing up sounds that will ap­peal to the vast di­ver­si­ty of its lis­ten­ers. So if you're look­ing for a sta­tion that's Sear­ing and Hot, a Siz­zling As­sort­ed Mu­si­cal Stop... No bet­ter way to spend your days than lis­ten­ing to the fiery "WMMG - The Blaze!!! So, tune in and En­joy your Day with Us!!!

Memphis · Tennessee, United States · English

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