Peru Radio Stations

1085 Radio Stations from Peru

Radiomar Plus

FM 105.1

Dance Latin Salsa

Chiclayo, Peru

1290 Listens

Radio Americana

FM 95.7

Community General News Spanish

Moquegua, Peru

210 Listens

Las Quenas Radio

FM 100.7

80s 90s Rock Spanish

Cuzco, Peru

210 Listens

Radio Panamericana

FM 101.1

Entertainment Live Shows Salsa Top 40

Lima, Peru

90 Listens

Radio La Inolvidable

AM 660

Balada Hits Latin Pop

Lima, Peru

90 Listens

YoEsucho - 80 Rock and Pop


Classic Hits Classic Rock Flashback Pop RnB

Lima, Peru

60 Listens

Radio Boleros Inolvidables


Bolero Latin Romantic

Lima, Peru

60 Listens

Radio Mágica

FM 88.3

Lima, Peru

60 Listens

Frecuencia 1330

AM 1330

Christian Community News Spanish Talk

Arequipa, Peru

60 Listens


FM 106.3

Dance Latin Salsa

Lima, Peru

60 Listens

Radio La 90 Tera


90s Rock Salsa Techno

Lima, Peru

30 Listens

Radio Peru Cumbia


Community Entertainment Spanish

Lima, Peru

30 Listens

Telestereo 88 FM

FM 88.3

Adult Contemporary Pop RnB Rock

Lima, Peru

30 Listens

Radio Esperanza Juvenil

FM 94.5

Christian Spanish

Chepen, Peru

30 Listens

Radio Nueva Ola


60s 70s 80s Hits

Lima, Peru

30 Listens

La Ochentera


80s Rock

Lima, Peru

30 Listens

Radio Stereo 92 FM

FM 92.1

Music Spanish Talk

Huacho, Peru

30 Listens

Ruta Panamericana 80s


Classic Hits Classic Rock Oldies Pop RnB

Lima, Peru

30 Listens

Radio Continental Sicuani

FM 106.9

Community Entertainment News Talk

Sicuani, Peru

30 Listens

Radio Quechua


Classics Folk Local Public Access

Lima, Peru

30 Listens

Radio Inca Sat FM

FM 107.3

Spanish Top 40

Lima, Peru

30 Listens

Music Okey


Dance Electronica Hits Pop

Tarma, Peru

30 Listens

Radio Santa Fe Túcume

FM 99.3

Latin Spanish Tropical

Túcume, Peru

30 Listens

Synthetika Internet Radio


80s EBM Electro New Wave Synthpop

Lima, Peru

30 Listens

Radio Quillabamba

FM 91.1

Quillabamba, Peru

30 Listens

Radio Willaq

FM 94.3

Hits Latin News Pop

Acomayo, Peru

30 Listens

Radio Vesánico


Grunge New Wave Postpunk Rock

Lima, Peru

30 Listens

Fans Stereo Radio


Classic Hits Classic Rock Oldies Pop RnB

Lima, Peru

30 Listens

Radio Rock Hits


Alternative Indie New Wave Synthpop

Lima, Peru

30 Listens



Anime Gaming

Lima, Peru

30 Listens

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