CHIN Radio Ottawa - CJLL-FM - FM 97.9 - Ottawa, ON

Ottawa's Multicultural Radio Station

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CHIN Radio Ottawa - CJLL is a broadcast radio station in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, providing News, Talk and Entertainment in more than 20 languages. ------ ... See more Shows: Gaelic Park Irish Hour, Caribbean, CLUB 246, Hindi, Punjabi, Serbian, Chinese (Cantonese), Dutch, Hungarian Show, Russian, Arabic, Somali, Ukrainian, The Bosnian Hour, CRI (Mandarin), Cross Cultural Talk English, German, Haitian, Irish, Italian Local, Italian Regional, Latino, Lebanese Inspirational, Mandarin Orange, Nexus Africa, Persian Program, RAI International, The Hebrew Voice, Urdu

Ottawa · Ontario, Canada · Multilingual

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+1 613-244-0979

30 Murray Street, Suite 100, Ottawa, ON K1N 5M4 Canada

Gaelic Park Irish Hour Caribbean CLUB 246 Hindi Punjabi See all shows... Serbian Dutch Russian Arabic Somali Ukrainian German Haitian Irish Persian Program RAI International

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