Coast FM - FM 96.3 - Gosford, NSW

The Easy Mix

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Community radio continues to deliver in many cases more local and live content than many commercial stations across Australia. We provide an easy listening format ... See more throughout the day and a diverse range of content including racing, Central Coast Mariners games, fishing, country music, youth radio and much more To achieve this it requires the commitment and dedication of a hardworking and voluntary management committee. We are proud of our community radio service and thank the following individuals for their stewardship as we continuing to grow the original FM station on the Central Coast.Coast FM is proud to be able to provide you with a detailed history of how Central Coast Community FM Radio association was formed ------ Shows: Nathan Cunningham, Baby Boomers, BBQ Country, Celtic Hour, Central Coast Mariners Live, Classical Favourites, Coast FM Overnight, Coast to Coast Racing Coverage, Di Parkes, Fiona Grieves, Fishing Fellas, Geoff Roberts, Glamour Rock, Highway 49 Blues Plus, Jean Abbott, John Dixon, Juke Box Live, Ken Grieves, Kevin Coyle, Kidz Bizz, Live And Orignal, Lock Up Garage, Luke Byrne, Mike Kennedy, Music to Midnight, Nathan Curtis, Nick King, Night Train, Pet Talk Radio, Peter Cook, Peter Little, Phil McDonald, Ray Buttsworth, Rock Hunter, Sam Werleman, Shakin' Rattlin' Rockin' Rollin, Show Business, Sue's Pyjama Party, Sundown Roundup, Talk of Our Town, The Bridge, The Club Guide, Views & Interactions, Views, Community Events, Voyager, Weekend Wind-Down, Words Of Life, Youth Tube ----- Hosts: Tubby Dyer, Paul Greaves, Jan Little, Mal Kirkpatrick, Peter Little, Sue Chapman, Not Found, Chayne Cleary, Jean Abbott, Kenny Grieves, Kevin Coyle, Nathan Curtis, Brian Pickering, Kaye Browne, Ray Buttsworth, Sam Werleman

Gosford · New South Wales, Australia · English

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(02) 4322 0072

139 Faunce Street GosfordNew South Wales 2250 Australia

Baby Boomers BBQ Country Celtic Hour Central Coast Mariners Live Classical Favourites See all shows... Coast FM Overnight Coast to Coast Racing Coverage Di Parkes Fiona Grieves Fishing Fellas Geoff Roberts Glamour Rock Highway 49 Blues Plus Jean Abbott John Dixon Ken Grieves Kevin Coyle Kidz Bizz Lock Up Garage Luke Byrne Mike Kennedy Nathan Curtis Night Train Pet Talk Radio Peter Cook Peter Little Phil McDonald Ray Buttsworth Rock Hunter Sam Werleman Shakin' Rattlin' Rockin' Rollin Show Business Sundown Roundup Talk of Our Town The Bridge The Club Guide Voyager Weekend Wind-Down Words Of Life Youth Tube

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