Family Life Radio - KFLR-FM - FM 90.3 - Phoenix, AZ

A Ministry of Family Life Communications

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Born in 1927 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Warren Bolthouse is a living example of what happens when God gives someone a vision. It's no surprise ... See more that Warren is the son of a builder, because for 30 years he has been dedicated to building the ministry of Family Life Radio. He and his wife, Char, met in their teenage years while singing and traveling with the "Children's Bible Hour." They were married in 1947. From there, Warren and Char were called to be involved as music ministers, assistant pastors or youth directors for church ministries in Michigan and New York. Even in the midst of this pastoral work, the couple had a dream of seeing non-commercial Christian radio in every home. Following their ministry in New York, Warren and Char and their five children moved back to Michigan and settled in the Jackson area. It was there, in a clapboard house on Jericho Road, that the dream of Christian radio started to come alive. Family Life Radio was born in the basement studio of Warren and Char's home, with a 30-minute radio program for teenagers. While the rich history of Family Life Radio is captured in the book "On The Jericho Road: The Family Life Radio Story," you must forward almost 40 years later to understand the magnitude of the work God has done in Family Life Radio; you must look at today, where you find a network of over 30 stations and station transmitters around the United States. With the broadcasting reach out to nearly 15 million people, Family Life Radio has grown. But more importantly than anything, God has cast his favor upon the faithful ministry that started in a small room 42 years ago in Michigan, and now touches lives for Christ everyday across the entire nation and around the world. Dr. Randy L. Carlson, President of Family Life Radio, and the leadership team of Rod Robison, Alonzo Williams and the Board of Directors, and countless others who make this ministry possible with labor and love, are here daily, to be faithful servants, mindful stewards, and passionate to spread the Gospel of Christ in a dark and fallen world!

Phoenix · Arizona, United States · English

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