KNDC - AM 1490 - Hettinger, ND

Hettinger, ND

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KNDC 1490 AM radio is located in southwest North Dakota, in Hettinger. KNDC transmits at 1000 watts and covers a 100 mile radius that includes ... See more southwest North Dakota, Northwest South Dakota, and Southeast Montana. KNDC broadcasts on 1490 AM 24 hours a day and 365 days per year and went on the air on March 1,1954. The KNDC Studio is located at 505 2nd Ave. South, in Hettinger, ND. ------ Shows: ABC Business Week Report, Dakota Backroads, AgriTalk, Coaches Corner, Jones Radio Classic Rock, KNDC Daily Dose, Morning Sports Show ----- Hosts: Mike Schweitze, Jill Ericsson, Nolan Dix

Hettinger · North Dakota, United States · English

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1-701-567-2421 1-800-825-1490

Box 151 Hettinger, ND 58639

Dakota Backroads AgriTalk Coaches Corner Jones Radio Classic Rock KNDC Daily Dose

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