101-5 Bob Rocks - WBHB-FM - FM 101.5 - Waynesboro, PA


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101-5 Bob Rocks - WBHB-FM is a broadcast radio station from Waynesboro, PA, United States, providing Active Rock music, information and entertainment. ------ Shows: Nights ... See more with Alice Cooper, Lex & Terry Morning Radio Network, WDFN Public Service, Bob Steele, Crazy Eyes, Mike Wolfe, Schaffer, WFYN Classic Rock ----- Hosts: Alice Cooper, Danny Saber, Damon Johnson, Lex Stalley, Terry James, Dee Reed

Waynesboro · Pennsylvania, United States · English

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717 597 9200

10960 John Wayne Drive Greencastle, PA 17225


Nights with Alice Cooper Lex & Terry Morning Radio Network

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