Hobart and William Smith College Radio - WHWS-LP - FM 105.7 - Geneva, NY

hobart and william smith college radio

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WHWS is a broadcast collaboration between the Smith Center for the Arts (parent organization of the Smith Opera House in downtown Geneva) and Hobart and ... See more William Smith Colleges.The station is operated by HWS at the behest of, and according to the wishes of, the SCFTA. While professional staff are on-hand to provide guidance, training, and to help "fill in the gaps" during winter/summer breaks, WHWS is largely student managed and operated to provide a "hands-on" learning environment for HWS students.

Geneva · New York, United States · English

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(315) 781-3809

WHWS 105.7FM300 Pulteney StreetGeneva, NY 14456


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