Radio Rodja 756AM - AM 756 - Cileungsi

Spreading the Light of the Sunnah

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30 tune ins AM 756 - 80Kbps

Rodja is an acronym for Radio Propagation of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, at the beginning of its presence is limited to the Cullinan area and ... See more surrounding communities later expanded to a wider area of ​​Greater Jakarta and its surroundings and the current can also be accessed via streaming radio, radio Flexi, and satellite radio so has the potential for a huge community of listeners.

Cileungsi · West Java, Indonesia · Indonesian

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+62 21 823 3661

Jl. Pahlawan (belakang Polsek Cileungsi), Kp. Tengah RT03 / RW03, Kec. Cileungsi, Bogor, 16820

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